
Showing posts from December, 2019

Can Snoring and/or Sleep Apnea be fatal for life?

Can Snoring and/or Sleep Apnea be fatal for life? Yes it can be. A healthy sleep is very important for a person’s health but when sleep is disturbed it can lead to various disorders and even can be fatal for life. Snoring? Snoring a very common problem, and most common sleep disorder, each and every one is acquaint to these days, either a person himself is suffering from snoring or has someone related to him/her having habit of snoring. However it is just not a habit; it is much more than that. Almost 40% of population is suffering from snoring. Snoring is a loud sound produced during sleep by the vibration of respiratory structures when the airways get obstructed with irregular flow of air which results in OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA which can be fatal for life. Sleep Apnea Sleep Apnea is a most common and serious sleep disorder in which breathing stops and starts repeatedly. Sleep apnea is suspected if a patient


ENDOSCOPIC EAR    SURGERY Ear surgery is usually performed using a microscope but endoscopic view has specific advantages owing to the greater field of view and ease of access to “hidden areas”. Endoscopic ear surgery is a minimally invasive technique of surgery used to operate on tiny delicate structures within the   middle ear. In this technique no incision is made behind or in front of the ear, it is rather a less painful procedure and results in faster recovery. It differs from traditional surgery that accesses the middle ear through ear canal rather than making an incision behind the ear. Indications 1.       Ear drum perforation 2.       Cholesteatoma (bone eroding disease) of middle ear 3.       Cochlear Implant surgery 4.       Tumors of ear and middle cranial fossa Difference between Traditional and Endoscopic technique                    Microscopic view