
Can Snoring and/or Sleep Apnea be fatal for life?

Can Snoring and/or Sleep Apnea be fatal for life? Yes it can be. A healthy sleep is very important for a person’s health but when sleep is disturbed it can lead to various disorders and even can be fatal for life. Snoring? Snoring a very common problem, and most common sleep disorder, each and every one is acquaint to these days, either a person himself is suffering from snoring or has someone related to him/her having habit of snoring. However it is just not a habit; it is much more than that. Almost 40% of population is suffering from snoring. Snoring is a loud sound produced during sleep by the vibration of respiratory structures when the airways get obstructed with irregular flow of air which results in OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA which can be fatal for life. Sleep Apnea Sleep Apnea is a most common and serious sleep disorder in which breathing stops and starts repeatedly. Sleep apnea is suspected if a patient


ENDOSCOPIC EAR    SURGERY Ear surgery is usually performed using a microscope but endoscopic view has specific advantages owing to the greater field of view and ease of access to “hidden areas”. Endoscopic ear surgery is a minimally invasive technique of surgery used to operate on tiny delicate structures within the   middle ear. In this technique no incision is made behind or in front of the ear, it is rather a less painful procedure and results in faster recovery. It differs from traditional surgery that accesses the middle ear through ear canal rather than making an incision behind the ear. Indications 1.       Ear drum perforation 2.       Cholesteatoma (bone eroding disease) of middle ear 3.       Cochlear Implant surgery 4.       Tumors of ear and middle cranial fossa Difference between Traditional and Endoscopic technique                    Microscopic view                                                      

Deafness and Cochlear Implant

Introduction Deafness and Cochlear Implant Deafness or hearing loss means inability to hear from one ear or both the ears. Hearing loss is divided into four categories, namely mild, moderate, severe or profound hearing loss. People with severe or profound hearing loss might have trouble in understanding speech while they are using hearing aids and are not benefited from the same. Therefore, it is recommended to have cochlear implants when hair cells don’t work, the auditory nerve can’t be stimulated and nerves can’t send information to the brain . What is Cochlear Implant Cochlear Implant is an electronic device that provides sound signals from damaged or non functioning part of inner ear to the brain. Cochlear implants bypass the damaged hair cells of the inner ear which directly stimulates the nerve and send the signals to the brain, whereas hearing aids just ampl


Vertigo Vertigo and Balance Disorders Vertigo is a sudden internal or external spinning sensation, often triggered by moving your head too quickly. Vertigo can happen at any age and can be temporary or long term. Vertigo is commonly caused by any pathology in the inner ear, although it can also be caused by problem in certain part of the brain. Balance Disorder It is disturbance that causes an individual to feel unsteady e.g. while standing or walking. This can be caused due to ear infections, head injury, some medications or anything that affects inner ear or brain. Chances of imbalance increase with age. Do you have any of these Symptoms? ·          Spinning ·          Swaying ·          Feeling of pulled to one direction ·          Tilting ·          Unbalanced ·          Nausea and Vomiting ·          Tinnitus ·          Feeling of fullness in ear ·   

Awareness Program

Karnal Medical Centre organised an awareness program on Universal Newborn Hearing Screening (UNHS) & Early Intervention on 13th November 2019, at Noor Mahal. Ace cricketer and brand ambassador of Cochlear, Mr. Brett Lee was especially invited to share his knowledge and experience on the subject. During the program IMA President Dr. Iqbal Singh and Secretary, Dr. Tejinder Kaur Khanna were also present and advised the implementation of UNHS at the grass route le vel. On this occasion we had the honour to have the presence of Shri Ramkumar Kashyap, MLA Indri & Mayor of Karnal Smt. Renu Bala. They stressed upon the need of early intervention with Cochlear Implant Surgery if the patient is suffering from severe to profound hearing loss. Dr. Sanjay Khanna requested the dignitaries to start the State level Screening and Cochlear Implant program for the residents of Haryana. Some glimpses.