

Vertigo and Balance Disorders

Vertigo is a sudden internal or external spinning sensation, often triggered by moving your head too quickly. Vertigo can happen at any age and can be temporary or long term. Vertigo is commonly caused by any pathology in the inner ear, although it can also be caused by problem in certain part of the brain.

Balance Disorder

It is disturbance that causes an individual to feel unsteady e.g. while standing or walking. This can be caused due to ear infections, head injury, some medications or anything that affects inner ear or brain. Chances of imbalance increase with age.

Do you have any of these Symptoms?

·         Spinning
·         Swaying
·         Feeling of pulled to one direction
·         Tilting
·         Unbalanced
·         Nausea and Vomiting
·         Tinnitus
·         Feeling of fullness in ear
·         Headache
·         Abnormal Jerking eye movement
·         Balance problem and lightheadedness

Then you may be suffering from Vertigo or balance disorder!!


Following are the investigations which can determine the cause of vertigo and balance disorder
·         Dynamic Visual Acuity
·         Craniocorpography
·         Subjective visual vertical
·         Advanced Video Nystagmography
·         Caloric test


Treatment depends on the results of investigations. Following are the treatment modalities:

·         Physical Therapy
·         Head Maneuver’s
·         Reduce stress
·         A healthy diet & stay hydrated
·         Be active but get enough rest too
·         Medications

Vertigo can be treated after knowing the root cause. One should not avoid the symptoms and consult ENT specialist as early as possible.


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